Solution: You might see this error in runtime.log when the deployment fails. If you receive a Deployment failed error that contains the message x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid, check the device clock. TLS and X.509 certificates provide a secure foundation for building IoT systems, but they require accurate times on servers and clients. IoT devices should have the correct time (within 15 minutes) before they attempt to connect to AWS IoT Greengrass or other TLS services that use server certificates. For more information, see Using Device Time to Validate AWS IoT Server Certificates on The Internet of Things on AWS Official Blog.
sun failed to start or download secure global desktop client component
VMware Blast Extreme uses VMware client-side components, installed with VMware Horizon Client, as well as agent-side components, installed on virtual desktops, physical desktops, and RDSH servers that host published applications and desktops. 2ff7e9595c